Friday 13 June 2008


We have a baby!
The neighbour cat, Patty, had two delicious kitties this spring. While we were hoping to keep the sisters together, someone spoke for the other one. Within a month and a half their mom toilet trained them and got them eating solid foods. Having mama right next door is a good thing for all of us.
Puddy-tan seems happy to share this space with us. She found her legs yesterday, showing us how she can tear across the room in a flash. This morning, I think she realized that she has two humans, and went between the two of us, greeting and sniffing.
Of course, me being the homemaker makes me a bit of the bad cop. I`m the one who doesn`t sit still long enough for a good lap snooze and I stir up the nasty vaccuum cleaner. As soon as Kohei comes home from school however, Puddy is learning that she can cuddle into his lap and keep him there until her nap is done. He`s also the one who keeps her warmest at night, and whose ears taste the best at 4am. Good cop.

1 comment:

COCO said...

What an adorable kitty!!!!Sooo chubby and cute...