Sunday 8 June 2008

June 7 - 8, 2008 Wood Vibration, Miyagi

A dream come true.
This was the first year for Wood Vibration music festival, in the mountains of Miyagi Prefecture. About 400 people turned out, ranging from newborns to seniors who out-danced my own stamina. Largely though, the crowd was 20-30 something psytrancers from the north of the island. Tohoku represent!
The miraculous part of this event is that the town Mayor, businesses and townspeople collaborated with the party organizer to promote and support the event. To see the older generations mingling with todays freeks and even a Jr. high school student dancing hard past 3 am next to his mom impressed the socks off me. The town supplied municipal water tanks, shuttle busses and all the behind the scenes stuff that made everything run as smoothly as the river water that flows from these mountains.
Live bands intermixed with DJs covered everything from taiko to psytrance. A perfect mix of folky organic and surreal sounds. But best of all, the sun shone full force with the music; despite the onset of the rainy season.
Not many parties are as well organized as this one in the north, so it drew people from all across the area. Lucky for me, it provided a golden opportunity to catch up with old friends from Akita.

Rabi Rabi x Piko

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