Sunday 24 August 2008

Not for the squeamish ;)

One day the entrance to my house was blocked by this sleeping beauty. The picture is sideways. It baffles me how hanging mid-door with no supports against gravity could make for a comfortable sleep, but s/he was wedged here for most of the day.

These two spiders have relatives in prominent places around the yard. Though the mosquitoes are still something to reckon with, we`re grateful for every bloody, buzzing body they snare. With webs right at the window, I've had a few front row seats for the carnage. These guys are fast.

And this critter made his appearance in our bedroom window one Saturday morning. Thankfully Kohei was home to verify that this isn`t a regular house guest. His coworkers told us later not to get stung/bit by one...not something I had in mind anyway.